Emberiza calandra
Corn bunting / Kornsparv

33c096    2016-04-08    Extremadura, Spain/Spanien

If you were to pick a single character bird in Extremadura it would probably will be the Corn bunting. It still seems to thirve here, singing from fences, lines and posts. In Sweden, the situation is the opposite. It is now "critically endangered" here. For a while the Swedish population of Corn buntings was down to around ten individuals. In recent years, however, some projects of support have resulted in a slight increase.

Skall man välja ut en enda karaktärsfågel i Extremadura så blir det nog kornsparven. Den verkar fortfarande stortrivas här. I Sverige är den numera "starkt hotad". Ett tag var populationen här nere i runt tio individer. På senare år har vissa stödprojekt dock resulterat i en liten ökning.