Passer griseus
Northern grey-headed sparrow / Bysparv

33c100    2021-10-25    Accra, Ghana

We came across this Northern grey-headed sparrow in the area outside our hotel on the outskirts of Accra. The Grey-headed sparrow still seems to be the master of the plot here. It has been spread throughout almost all of sub-Saharan Africa, but seems to have been displaced by the House sparrow. However, the species is still far from being endangered.

Den här bysparven stötte vi på i området utanför vårt hotell i utkanterna av Accra. Bysparven tycks ännu vara herre på täppan här. Den har ju varit spridd i nästan hela Afrika söder om Sahara, men tycks trängas undan av gråsparven. Ännu är dock arten långt ifrån hotad.